Articles | Volume 5, issue 4
Research article
06 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2022

Learning outcomes, learning support, and cohort cohesion on a virtual field trip: an analysis of student and staff perceptions

Clare E. Bond, Jessica H. Pugsley, Lauren Kedar, Sarah R. Ledingham, Marianna Z. Skupinska, Tomasz K. Gluzinski, and Megan L. Boath

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Cited articles

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Bond, C.: Learning outcomes, learning support and cohort cohesion on a virtual field trip: an analysis of student and staff perceptions, University of Aberdeen [data set], Likert_data (.xlsx),, 2022. 
Bond, C. E. and Cawood, A. J.: A role for virtual outcrop models in blended learning–improved 3D thinking and positive perceptions of learning, Geosci. Commun., 4, 233–244,, 2021. 
Short summary
Virtual field trips are used to engage students who are unable to go into the field with geological field work. Here, we investigate the perceptions of staff and students before and after a virtual field trip, including the investigation of the success of mitigation measures designed to decrease barriers to engagement and inclusion. We conclude that negative and positive perceptions exist and that effective mitigation measures can be used to improve the student experience.
Final-revised paper