Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
16 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 16 Sep 2024

The weather today rocks or sucks for my tree: exploring the understanding of climate impacts on forests at high school level through tweets

Thomas Mölg, Jan C. Schubert, Annette Debel, Steffen Höhnle, Kathy Steppe, Sibille Wehrmann, and Achim Bräuning

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Bräuning, A., Debel, A., Collier, E., Höhnle, S., Mölg, T., Schubert, J.C., Thieroff, B., and Wehrmann, S.: BayTreeNet: Sprechende Bäume als Schnittstelle von Klimadynamik, Dendroökologie und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Bayern, Mitt. der Fränk. Geogr. Ges., 67, 177–188, 2022. 
Short summary
We examine the understanding of weather and climate impacts on forest health in high school students. Climate physics, tree ring science, and educational research collaborate to provide an online platform that captures the students’ observations, showing they translate the measured weather and basic tree responses well. However, students hardly ever detect the causal connections. This result will help refine future classroom concepts and public climate change communication on changing forests.
Final-revised paper