Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Research article
01 Mar 2022
Research article |  | 01 Mar 2022

Virtual strike and dip – advancing inclusive and accessible field geology

Natalie Bursztyn, Pejman Sajjadi, Hannah Riegel, Jiawei Huang, Jan Oliver Wallgrün, Jiayan Zhao, Bart Masters, and Alexander Klippel


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Short summary
Strike and Dip (SaD) is a desktop virtual reality environment to teach strike and dip measurement and the compilation of geologic maps. SaD replicates real-world field mapping using virtual 3D outcrop models and a geologic compass that the user manipulates to take measurements. SaD was implemented in an introductory geology course, and students were surveyed about their experience with it. We found that the experience was generally positive. SaD is a viable resource for accessible field trips.
Final-revised paper