Articles | Volume 3, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
30 Nov 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 30 Nov 2020

Focus on glaciers: a geo-photo exposition of vanishing beauty

Giuliana Rossi, Gualtiero Böhm, Angela Saraò, Diego Cotterle, Lorenzo Facchin, Paolo Giurco, Renata Giulia Lucchi, Maria Elena Musco, Francesca Petrera, Stefano Picotti, and Stefano Salon

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Cited articles

Balog, J.: Ice: Portraits of Vanishing Glaciers, Rizzoli, New York, 288 pp., 2012. 
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Short summary
We organized an exhibition on the climate crisis using high-quality images shot by scientists, who are amateur photographers, during their campaigns in glacier regions. Working-age people, attracted by the gorgeous images, received the message that such beauty is in danger of vanishing. Twice, the visitors could talk directly with the experts to discuss geoscience, photography, and aesthetic choices and, of course, climate change, a problem that each of us has to play a part in to solve.
Final-revised paper