Articles | Volume 4, issue 2
Research article
01 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 01 Jun 2021

The Flat Earth satire: using science theater to debunk absurd theories

George Sand França, Ricardo Cruccioli Ribeiro, Luana Rosa Soares, João Calmoni, Gabriel B. de França, and Paulo Eduardo Brito

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Cited articles

Almeida, C., Bento, L., Jardim, G., Freire, M., Amorim, L., and Ramalho, M.: Ciência e teatro como objeto de pesquisa, Ciência e Cultura, 70, 35–40,, 2018 (in Portuguese). 
Costa, Q.: O que fazer com esse cheiro de terraplanista, available at:, last access: 10 April 2021 (in Portuguese). 
França, G. S., Ribeiro, R. C., Soares, L. R., Soares, J. O., and Brito, P. E.: The process of creation of theatrical show for scientific divulgation, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vol. 21, EGU2019-6085, 2019a. 
França, G. S., Ribeiro, R. C., Soares, L. R., Soares, J. O., and França, G. B.: Theatrical show for scientific divulgation, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, ED23B-06, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2019b. 
França, G. S., Ribeiro, R. C., Soares, L. R., Calmoni, J., de França, G. B., and Brito, P. E.: Feedback do espetáculo – A Terra é plana! E agora?, data,, last access: 26 May 2021. 
Short summary
Absurd theories have been gaining adherents without any criticism and, worse, consolidating. Thus, in order to find solutions for a better understanding of our real theories, the project "The Earth is Flat! Isn’t it?" was created, Which aims to use performing art as the main communicator to spread science. The first was of integration between science and art. The second was dramaturgy along with the creative process, and the third stage was the spectacle.
Final-revised paper