Articles | Volume 2, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
13 Aug 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 13 Aug 2019

Taking a Breath of the Wild: are geoscientists more effective than non-geoscientists in determining whether video game world landscapes are realistic?

Rolf Hut, Casper Albers, Sam Illingworth, and Chris Skinner

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Cited articles

Albers, C. J. and Hut, R.: Taking a Breath of the Wild, analyses code and data,, 2019. a, b, c
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Breuer, J. and Bente, G.: Why so serious? On the relation of serious games and learning, Journal for Computer Game Culture, 4, 7–24, 2010. a
Côté, I. M. and Darling, E. S.: Scientists on Twitter: Preaching to the choir or singing from the rooftops?, Facets, 3, 682–694, 2018. a
Curtis, V.: Public Engagement Through the Development of Science-Based Computer Games: The Wellcome Trust's “Gamify Your PhD” Initiative, Sci. Commun., 36, 379–387,, 2014. a
Short summary
Game worlds in modern computer games, while they include very Earth-like landscapes, are ultimately fake. Since games can be used for learning, we wondered if people pick up wrong information from games. Using a survey we tested if people with a background in geoscience are better than people without such a background at distinguishing if game landscapes are realistic. We found that geoscientists are significantly better at this, but the difference is small and overall everyone is good at it.
Final-revised paper