Articles | Volume 6, issue 2
Review article
 | Highlight paper
11 May 2023
Review article | Highlight paper |  | 11 May 2023

Paleontology-themed comics and graphic novels, their potential for scientific outreach, and the bilingual graphic novel EUROPASAURUS – Life on Jurassic Islands

Oliver Wings, Jan Fischer, Joschua Knüppe, Henning Ahlers, Sebastian Körnig, and Arila-Maria Perl


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Executive editor
Paleontological knowledge transfer can be fun! This extended review paper of comics and graphic novels on the subject of paleontology discusses the potential for communicating paleontological topics to the public and the influence of contemporary paleoart in this genre. Additionally, the motivation for and the creation process of the bilingual graphic novel "EUROPASAURUS - Life on Jurassic Islands" - intended as modern science communication - is described. An extensive survey among readers of this book allows conclusions as to what the public expects and appreciates in such a work.
Short summary
We give an overview of influential comics and graphic novels on paleontological themes, especially dinosaurs. We explain their different forms of representation and narration, and how they were influenced by the contemporary state of knowledge. The second part deals with the creation of the bilingual graphic novel EUROPASAURUS – Life on Jurassic Islands, a textless comic book, and how this book was perceived by the public.
Final-revised paper