Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Special issue:
GC Insights
06 Jan 2022
GC Insights |  | 06 Jan 2022

GC Insights: Identifying conditions that sculpted bedforms – human insights to building an effective AI (artificial intelligence)

John K. Hillier, Chris Unsworth, Luke De Clerk, and Sergey Savel'ev


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Short summary
It is an aspiration to infer flow conditions from bedform morphology (e.g. riverbed ripples) where sedimentary structures preserve the geological past or in inaccessible environments (e.g. Mars). This study was motivated by the idea of better designing an AI (artificial intelligence) algorithm to do this by using lessons from non-AI (i.e. human) abilities, investigated using a geoscience communication activity. A survey and an artificial neural network are used in a successful proof of concept.
Special issue
Final-revised paper