Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
13 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 13 Mar 2020

Communicating complex forecasts: an analysis of the approach in Nepal's flood early warning system

Mirianna Budimir, Amy Donovan, Sarah Brown, Puja Shakya, Dilip Gautam, Madhab Uprety, Michael Cranston, Alison Sneddon, Paul Smith, and Sumit Dugar

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Early warning systems for natural hazards have the potential to save lives and improve people's resilience to disasters. However, challenges remain in disseminating and communicating more complex warnings with longer lead times to decision makers and individuals at risk. Research was undertaken to analyse and understand the current flood early warning system in Nepal, considering available data and forecasts, information flows, early warning dissemination, and decision-making for early action.
Final-revised paper