Articles | Volume 7, issue 4
Research article
 | Highlight paper
20 Dec 2024
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 20 Dec 2024

The Gannon Storm: citizen science observations during the geomagnetic superstorm of 10 May 2024

Maxime Grandin, Emma Bruus, Vincent E. Ledvina, Noora Partamies, Mathieu Barthelemy, Carlos Martinis, Rowan Dayton-Oxland, Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Katie Herlingshaw, Neethal Thomas, Eero Karvinen, Donna Lach, Marjan Spijkers, and Calle Bergstrand

Related authors

The Vlasiator 5.2 ionosphere – coupling a magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov simulation with a height-integrated ionosphere model
Urs Ganse, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Hongyang Zhou, Liisa Juusola, Abiyot Workayehu, Fasil Kebede, Konstantinos Papadakis, Maxime Grandin, Markku Alho, Markus Battarbee, Maxime Dubart, Leo Kotipalo, Arnaud Lalagüe, Jonas Suni, Konstantinos Horaites, and Minna Palmroth
Geosci. Model Dev., 18, 511–527,,, 2025
Short summary
Global evolution of flux transfer events along the magnetopause from the dayside to the far tail
Yann Pfau-Kempf, Konstantinos Papadakis, Markku Alho, Markus Battarbee, Giulia Cozzani, Lauri Pänkäläinen, Urs Ganse, Fasil Kebede, Jonas Suni, Konstantinos Horaites, Maxime Grandin, and Minna Palmroth
Ann. Geophys. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for ANGEO
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First observations of continuum emission in dayside aurora
Noora Partamies, Rowan Dayton-Oxland, Katie Herlingshaw, Ilkka Virtanen, Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, Mikko Syrjäsuo, Fred Sigernes, Takanori Nishiyama, Toshi Nishimura, Mathieu Barthelemy, Anasuya Aruliah, Daniel Whiter, Lena Mielke, Maxime Grandin, Eero Karvinen, Marjan Spijkers, and Vincent Ledvina
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
Statistical comparison of electron precipitation during auroral breakups occurring either near the open–closed field line boundary or in the central part of the auroral oval
Maxime Grandin, Noora Partamies, and Ilkka I. Virtanen
Ann. Geophys., 42, 355–369,,, 2024
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Atmospheric odd nitrogen response to electron forcing from a 6D magnetospheric hybrid-kinetic simulation
Tuomas Häkkilä, Maxime Grandin, Markus Battarbee, Monika E. Szeląg, Markku Alho, Leo Kotipalo, Niilo Kalakoski, Pekka T. Verronen, and Minna Palmroth
Ann. Geophys. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ANGEO
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Cited articles

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Executive editor
This work highlights the importance of data collected through citizen science for studying extreme geomagnetic storms. The Gannon storm was an unprecedented opportunity to test the limitations of citizen science data collection and to offer solutions to enable similar studies in the future. This study has great potential to be of interest to the wider public.
Short summary
We carried out a citizen science study of aurora sightings and technological disruptions experienced during the extreme geomagnetic storm of 10 May 2024. We collected reports from 696 observers from over 30 countries via an online survey, supplemented with observations logged in the Skywarden database. We found that the aurora was seen from exceptionally low latitudes and had very bright red and pink hues, suggesting that high fluxes of low-energy electrons from space entered the atmosphere.
Final-revised paper