Articles | Volume 7, issue 4
Review article
02 Oct 2024
Review article |  | 02 Oct 2024

Planning virtual and hybrid events: steps to improve inclusion and accessibility

Aileen L. Doran, Victoria Dutch, Bridget Warren, Robert A. Watson, Kevin Murphy, Angus Aldis, Isabelle Cooper, Charlotte Cockram, Dyess Harp, Morgane Desmau, and Lydia Keppler


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Short summary
In recent years, we have seen a global change in how we communicate, with an unplanned shift to virtual platforms, leading to inadvertent exclusion during online events. This article aims to provide guidance on planning online/hybrid events from an accessibility viewpoint, based on the combined experiences of several groups and individuals. Nevertheless, this is not a fully comprehensive guide, as every event is unique and has its own accessibility design needs.
Final-revised paper