Articles | Volume 5, issue 3
Special issue:
GC Insights
 | Highlight paper
20 Sep 2022
GC Insights | Highlight paper |  | 20 Sep 2022

GC Insights: Diversifying the geosciences in higher education: a manifesto for change

Caitlyn A. Hall, Sam Illingworth, Solmaz Mohadjer, Mathew Koll Roxy, Craig Poku, Frederick Otu-Larbi, Darryl Reano, Mara Freilich, Maria-Luisa Veisaga, Miguel Valencia, and Joey Morales


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 13 Dec 2024
Executive editor
The paper is a guideline especially for educators that highlights the potential of a transformation towards diversified knowledge systems in curricula.
Short summary
In this manifesto, we offer six points of reflection that higher education geoscience educators can act upon to recognise and unlearn their biases and diversify the geosciences in higher education, complementing current calls for institutional and organisational change. This serves as a starting point to gather momentum to establish community-built opportunities for implementing and strengthening diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice holistically in geoscience education.
Special issue
Final-revised paper