Articles | Volume 4, issue 3
Research article
17 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2021

Breaking the Silos: an online serious game for multi-risk disaster risk reduction (DRR) management

Marleen Carolijn de Ruiter, Anaïs Couasnon​​​​​​​, and Philip James Ward

Since publishing this paper, we have created an online version of the game that is fully open access. All required resources and instructions can be found here: The game does not need to be installed on your hard drive, and no browser plugins need to be installed. If you are interested in playing the game, we recommend reading the game instructions hand in hand with the paper.

We hope you enjoy this game, and feel free to reach out in case of questions. We would really like to hear your feedback and experiences.

Anaïs Couasnon and Marleen de Ruiter

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Please read the editorial note first before accessing the article.

Short summary
Many countries can get hit by different hazards, such as earthquakes and floods. Generally, measures and policies are aimed at decreasing the potential damages of one particular hazard type despite their potential of having unwanted effects on other hazard types. We designed a serious game that helps professionals to improve their understanding of these potential negative effects of measures and policies that reduce the impacts of disasters across many different hazard types.
Final-revised paper