The GC editorial board, the European Geosciences Union, and Copernicus Publications thank the following colleagues very much for their work in reviewing the manuscripts published in the journal volume 7, 2024.
- Angelica Alberti-Dufort
- Louise Arnal
- Christopher Atchison
- Pratama Atmaja
- Denise Balmer
- David N. Bresch
- Laura Busato
- Victoria Coules
- Marleen de Ruiter
- Fabian Drenkhan
- Maurits Ertsen
- Rachel Fisher
- Shahzad Gani
- Rebecca Garland
- Matthias Girod
- Usha Harris
- Hisashi Hayakawa
- Jacob Hileman
- Sam Illingworth
- Christopher Jackson
- Allison Jaynes
- Martin Jury
- Janine Krippner
- Kathryn Lambrecht
- Jeff Liston
- Edward McGowan
- Timothy Norris
- Mehmet S. Oczelik
- Lynda Olman
- Dwight Owens
- Robyn Pickering
- Heather Sangster
- Johan Schaar
- Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora
- Alison Stokes
- Jenny Turton
- Larissa van der Laan
- Dirk Vanderklein
- Asimina Voskaki
- John Waldron