The GC editorial board, the European Geosciences Union, and Copernicus Publications thank the following colleagues very much for their work in reviewing the manuscripts published in the journal volume 5, 2022.
- Joachim Allgaier
- Claudia Antolini
- nayantara appleton
- Louise Arnal
- Denise Balmer
- Jaclyn Baughman
- Lucy Beattie
- Carmen Blackwood
- Stephany Buenrostro Mazon
- Brigid Christison
- Fabio Crameri
- Lisa D. White
- Thomas Dewez
- Jacqueline Dohaney
- Glenn Dolphin
- Carolyn Driedger
- Christian Eide
- Frances Fahy
- David Ferras
- Leila Gonzales
- Susanna Goodall
- David M. Hodgson
- Rafael Horota
- Jacqueline Houghton
- Rolf Hut
- Sam Illingworth
- Julie Jebsen
- Alison Jolley
- Sheila Kanani
- Nicholas Kinar
- Peter Kovesi
- Robin Lacassin
- Tiziana Lanza
- Peter Lewis
- Frank Molkenthin
- Sebastian G. Mutz
- Rosella Nave
- Mattathias Needle
- Paul Nesbit
- Elsa Panciroli
- Alexey Pavlov
- Ryan Petterson
- James Porter
- Jamie Pringle
- Jessica Pugsley
- Eric Pyle
- Sarah Radcliffe
- Hannah Riegel
- Jazmin Scarlett
- Tobias Schmiedel
- Elspeth Spence
- Flavia Strani
- Shiba Subedi
- Antoine Triantafyllou
- Andrea Villa
- emma visman
- Ning Wang
- Dylan Ward
- Rebecca Williams
- Stephanie Zihms